NewConference Webinar
Add image to your conference call. NewConference allows you to share a presentation, desktop or webcam.
Sharing a presentation
Share a document with one mouse click. Read more about sharing documents.
The speaker may share his webcam thus making his contribution even more personal.
Desktop share
The speaker may share his desktop with the other participants. This is useful when explaining a website or a computer program.
See who is present
Everyone can see who is present during the teleconference. On top of that the chairman has full control over the participants.
Change speaker
Each participant can be assigned as speaker and gain control over all sharing features. Participants can only be controlled by the chair person.
The chat window enables participants to post questions or remarks without interrupting the speaker.
Free and no reservations
NewConference Webinars are free of charge. And reservation-less as usual with newConference.
View a screenshot

System requirements
Use a Chrome, Safari or Firefox web browser. Desktop sharing requires the use of Chrome.